Wedding by LBnagar-Hyderabad branch
Go Green before the green goes
Whose name is Krishna? Making flower work is closely related to Lord Krishna (64Kalas ), and we thank LordKrishna for lending his name for our Eco-friendly venture
How are we different from others? We don’t use any floralfoam, FRP panels, No thermacoal, No plastic in our décor. You can see our hastags in our Instagram posts and see how positive the response has been. Any materials that we use in our décor, we ask our selves, is this natural? Is this biodegradale?
What are we doing at DecorbyKrishna_ We are taking flower decorations for weddings and life events.
GoLocal- Go Natural, Empower local Artisans: This is the strategy we follow. Disadvantages of plastic packaging and transport is ruled out when local flowers are used. Forgotten techniques of leaf art, floral art are revived in our designs. Natural and biodegradable cotton, jute fabrics and Handlooms are used as drapes and flooring
How are we achieving this? Its simple, we go with traditional and evergreen designs with fresh fragrant local flowers, coconut leaves, banana leaves. These designs are time tested and give a huge positive response from clients.
Plastic is everywhere. Without our knowledge plastic is in our land, environment and also in our body. Obviosuly plastic has intruded in our décor too. We use Koramats, brass items, wooden chairs and all kinds of biodegradable materials as alternatives to plastic materials
No fiber reinforced plastics: The self-imposed “Noplastic” strategy has made us quit ubiquitous FRP panels and MDF boards and switch to traditional wood and Metal alternatives
No FloralFoam : Floral foam is a single time use plastic, just like our plastic cover, neither biodegradable nor ecofriendly. Simple banana bark assembly is the solution that we found as alternative to Floralfoam.
No Themacoal : Styrofoam is no good, and is same monster like floral foam or plastic. we dont use any thermacoal in our decor.
How we operate: We encourage the creative, unemployed and homemakers to take up franchise explaining our eco-friendly concepts. They are trained for a month and various floral leaf and flower techniques are taught. They inturn train 10-20 workers who help them in day to day operation. A lay man may not know how to make a coconut leaf parrot, but all our workers can make coconut leaf parrots, and in a way this eco-friendly culture propagates in their day to day activities too
Message that our Décor Conveys: Taking Ecofriendly life culture, by our décor ideas, as there is no PlanetB. Sustainable décor is the need of the hour, and if we don’t take it seriously, our kids can see beautiful parrots, peacocks and Elephants only in décor
Go Green before the green goes
@DecorbyKrishna is looking for franchises all over India to propagate the culture of #ecofriendlydecor for home based events
Mail to decorbykrishna@gmail.com for orders and franchise details.
@decorbykrishna is taking orders for eco-friendly wedding and life events events decor, like pellikooturu, Mehendi, mangalasnanam, Seemantham, gruhapravesam and cradle ceremony.
Join the creative team! Email decorbykrishna@gmail.com for franchise enquiries
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